With the retirement of Assistant Superintendent John Kehoe, the District's succession plan moves to the next phase. The following steps have occurred since the Board workshop on this topic in 2011:
- Dr. Thomas Wilson was appointed Middle School Principal in 2012, leaving a vacancy at hte Elementary School.
- Ms. Ann Meyer was appointed High School Principal in 2013.
Replacing the Assistant Superintendent Position
Dr. Kehoe's retirement the District leadership, in consultation with
the Board, is examining roles and responsibilities with an eye toward
maintaining continuity of services and advancing the School's programs
and services. As a temporary, transitional measure, the Board asked that
Dr. Kehoe assist the district over the next eighteen months. He will
serve as Director of Operations at a time when the District is pursuing
major construction and rising enrollment. During this period, his
various duties will be reassigned to other district administrators.
Chief among these responsibilities are school safety, human resources,
and negotiations.
Elementary Principal Search
A search is underway for an Elementary Principal, facilitated by consultant Martin Brooks, Executive Director of the Tri-State Consortium. He held focus groups and developed the following specifications for the position:
- An innovative, honest, transparent and thoughtful leader who is knowledgeable about child development, elementary curriculum, and instructional practice, has elementary school teaching and/or leadership experience, and understands how the skills and abilities embedded in the Common Core can inform educational practice in Bronxville.
- An excellent communicator who seeks to connect effectively with all stakeholders and values the input of teachers, parents and students when making decisions.
- A firm advocate for the needs of all students at all performance levels.
- A teacher and learner who honors successful traditions while focusing on continued improvement, and who can strategically engage a strong faculty, involved parents and motivated students in identifying and addressing the school’s next level of work.
These specifications were communicated to the public at an Elementary School Council meeting and special evening meeting on January 9th. The position has been advertised nationally, both in the print media and electronically. The screening and interview process will begin next month, and an appointment is expected later this Spring.
Strengthening Leadership for Curriculum and Instruction
As a way of identifying and verifying future needs, Superintendent David Quattrone surveyed the faculty and again enlisted the services of Dr. Martin Brooks to conduct faculty focus groups. The faculty survey revealed strong support for devoting leadership resources to curriculum coordination and instructional technology. As a result, the District will seek to fill a new position, Director of Curriculum and Instruction. The successful candidate will meet the following specifications:
- A careful listener and effective communicator who values collaboration and innovation
- A hands‐on leader who builds effective relationships and engages all stakeholders in the development of a K‐12 vision for the improvement of student performance
- A strategic thinker who can help the district improve cohesion among the Common Core Learning Standards, state and federal requirements, data analysis and research relating to effective practices
- An educator, first and foremost, who understands the complex relationships among assessment, instructional practice, and curriculum, and how wise and meaningful use of technology can enhance those relationships.
This position, too, will be advertised, with screening and interviews to follow with an eye to an appointment effective July 1, 2014.