Assistant Superintendent Dan Carlin described the revenue picture as uncertain. Although the Governor proposed a 10% cut in this year’s state aid, that reduction has not yet been enacted. However, the Legislature is reconvening in December. There may also be shortfalls in county sales tax, tuition, and interest.
Mr. Carlin went on to describe the expenditure picture. Despite utility increases, expenditures appear to be much less of a concern than revenues at this point. Expenditure projections are expected to come in under budget, thereby compensating for anticipated revenue shortfalls.
The Board also considered the planning assumptions that will guide the 2009 school operating budget. Superintendent David Quattrone reported that enrollment is stable and that any changes in staffing would occur within existing levels. Budget planning will begin with a projection of a “stand still” budget – what will it cost to run the same programs in 2009-2010 given contractual and other known obligations. Then, the Board will review the programmatic and financial impact of possible reductions in order to minimize any tax increases. The budget will also provide information about relative costs -- how Bronxville's pattern of expenditures relate to other Westchester school districts. A draft budget will be presented at a workshop in February.