Assistant Superintendent Dan Carlin announced that the District received a $1.3 million in payment from FEMA, representing the next installment in our flood recovery project. This is the first reimbursement for the restoration of the A and B wings of the building.
Carlin also reported that we are approaching substantial completion with respect to all aspects of the project, including the second floor renovations. The lockers and blinds have been completely installed; the furniture has arrived. The area is starting to look more finished. We still have some more cabinets to be hung in classrooms, and we expect to complete the SmartBoard installation this week. Mr. Carlin also stated that we are seeking improvements for the floor surfaces in select classrooms and a portion of the hall, and the architects are preparing proposals for various options.
Superintendent David Quattrone reported that we expect to obtain a certificate of occupancy for the district offices and the orchestra room on the second floor. The orchestra room will become available on or about October 22, but window replacement will not occur until the December break. We have scheduled the district office move from the trailer to the main building on November 7-11, pending furniture arrival.
We have also begun determining the logistics and schedule for the next phase of restoration and recovery - the relocation of the boiler room and switch gear.
In related news, Mr. Quattrone reported that the Facilities Committee reconvened in order to update the District's five year plan. The committee, which includes PTA, Foundation, and community representation, learned that the restoration project accomplished a number of items related to air handling and infrastructure. The committee will meet again in November to set priorities among the remaining items, which include Middle School science labs, the auditorium, outdoor facilities, and classroom renovations.