After months of deliberation and reductions, the Bronxville Board of Education appears ready to endorse a school budget with the lowest increase in the last decade - a 1.37% budget-to-budget rise. Based on preliminary information available, the projected tax rate increase is likely to be the second lowest in Westchester County. The proposed budget totals $44, 227,561.
In November, the Bronxville Board of Education asked the administration to prepare a rollover budget that supported existing programs and accounted for contractual obligations yet added no new services or staffing. During a number of planning sessions throughout the winter, the budget was further reduced by about $870,000, involving the equivalent of 4.4 positions as well as reductions in various co-curricular and athletic activities and other accounts. The March 19 presentation can be found here. At that meeting the Board reviewed the impact of staff reductions on class size, tax rate comparisons, and the requirements of a contingency budget.
The Board will be asked to approve a budget in April, with a final hearing on May 7th and a school budget vote on May 19th.