Producing a 0% expenditure budget will require a reduction of $540,525. Arriving at a 0% tax rate will require a total reduction of $1,046,079. A list of potential reductions and the estimated savings follows. These budget options will also be presented at forthcoming Council meetings.
Efficiency and Productivity
- Do not replace retiring special education teacher: increase ES skills groups from 5 to 9 students ($85,671)
- Do not replace two Middle School teachers: assign MS advisory as a sixth assignment ($137,074)
- Do not replace retiring Elementary School teacher: reduce section at grade 3. Class size increases from 18.5 to 22.8. ($85,671)
- Postpone capital projects: outside storage shed, tile replacement on second floor ($80,000)
- Outsource day and night cleaning services ($320,000)
- Eliminate enrichment field trips: Washington DC at grade 8; overseas trips at HS ($17,718)
- Reduce equipment, supplies, and textbooks by 10% ($98,021)
- Eliminate FLES in grades 1-5 ($128,507)
- Eliminate lab periods for core science curriculum in grades 9 and 10 ($25,701)
- Eliminate curriculum-related field trips: Farm – grade 2, Philadelphia - grade 5, Williamsburg – grade 7 ($42,131)
- Reduce athletic expenses by 10%: assistant coaches in lacrosse, basketball, field hockey, gym and weight room access ($48,850)
- Reduce co-curricular expenses by 10%: consolidate and reorganize stipends, especially in areas with multiple advisers ($22,898)
- Consolidate to 2 schools, K-6/7-12: eliminate one administrator position ($174,225)
- Reduce clerical support by 1.9 positions ($113,384)
- Eliminate 9-12 team leader stipends, consolidate 6-12 curriculum leader stipends ($26,789)
- Reduce 6-12 master schedule to seven periods, reducing elective opportunities ($171,342)