Student athletes excelled in post season competition this spring:

- Boys Lacrosse competed in the state semifinal, their best result in Bronxville history
- The boys 4x800 meter relay team placed 4th at the state meet in Division 2, earning All State status
- Henry Palermo became Division 2 State Champion in the Shot Put
- Meredith Rizzo placed 3rd in Division 2 for the 800 Meter Run
- The 4x800 Meter Relay team won a Division 2 State Championship
- Mary Cain set a new state record and a new National Freshman record in the 1500 meter run.
- Ian Palfrey finished in 17th place at the State Golf Championship, an All-State performance.
- High School Chorus received a level VI Gold medal
- High School Orchestra received a level VI Gold medal
- High School Band received a level V Silver medal
- 8th Grade Orchestra received a level 3 Gold medal
- 8th Grade Band received a level 4 Bronze medal.
Seventy-four students in grades 4-11 participated in solo competition, with 78% receiving scores in the A or outstanding/excellent range.
Finally, Quattrone expressed appreciation for the extensive community service efforts undertaken by students and pointed to the new shadowing program in which many seniors completed brief internships in various community settings.