Friday, October 21, 2011

How do we help students develop character?

At the October Board Meeting, Elementary Principal Tom Wilson described the comprehensive character development program developed by faculty and parents. Dr. Wilson acknowledged the special contributions of Rose Crawford, Cindy Randall, and Tiffany Faulstich. Rejecting pre-packaged, off-the-shelf solutions, the group chose to create a home-grown approach with strong local ownership. As a result the School has integrated a series of lessons and school-wide activities designed to reinforce positive social skills, such as respect, responsibility, and sportsmanship:
"Three years ago, our school consciously committed to looking for ways in which we could develop the skills associated with strong character in our students. The best place to begin this journey was to look within.  What were we already doing in our K-12 system that was working well and where could the elementary school fill in and better support the work of developing the social skills and interpersonal competencies that are needed in life?"
The accompanying video depicted a large number of students and teachers talking about the program, indicating a breadth of implementation across the school. In dialogue about the program, Board members asked about the student outcome characteristics, how new teachers are oriented to the program,  continuation of the program at the Middle School, and the opportunity to identify and prevent risky behaviors such as cyber-bullying and cheating.

To see the presentation, click here.