Monday, May 7, 2012

Board to Consider Bond Resolution for Capital Plan

The Bronxville Board of Education has scheduled a special meeting to determine whether or not to go forward with a $10 million capital plan encompassing renovation of middle school science labs, the auditorium, and other infrastructure improvements. The Board hopes to fund the plan with a combination of reserves (there is currently $2 million in a construction reserves), bonds, and $3 million of private donations, including major contributions by the Bronxville School Foundation and the PTA.

Proposed MS science lab renovations
The special meeting will be held on May 24th at 7 PM in the multipurpose room. At that time, the Board and the public will hear presentations by our architects, KG&D, and school officials that address several issues related to the proposals:

  • What financial challenges do we foresee in the future, and how do we plan to address them in a tax cap environment?
  • What is the incremental tax burden of these projects and what is the best way to finance the plan?
  • What is our track record of project management? How can we assure the public that we have adequate controls in place regarding cost and schedule?
  • Have we identified ways to reduce costs for both the science labs and the auditorium through value engineering?
  • What financial challenges do we foresee in the future, and how do we plan to address them in a tax cap environment?
  • What is the incremental tax burden of these projects and what is the best way to finance the plan?
Board President James Hudson set the context for the meeting with remarks made at the opening of the meeting on May 3rd. His comments can be found here, and a background document about the auditorium prepared by Superintendent David Quattrone can be found here.