Saturday, June 16, 2012

PTA Recognizes Faculty Milestones

At the Bronxville School's annual Recognition Tea, the Council Chairs and PTA President led the ceremonies honoring faculty and staff members for their years of service.  Nina Evison, PTA President, was joined by Jennifer Mackesy, Angela Seminara, and Ashley Hanrahan. Each of them spoke on behalf of the honorees:

30 Years of Service: Anthony Angotta
25 Years of Service: Michael Peragine
20 Years of Service: Dian Grandefeld and Virginia Martin (Teacher Dan Martin spoke on behalf of his mother)
15 Years of Service: Beth Agarabi, Donna Bianco, Marijke Briggs, James Brogan, Elizabeth Fleisig, Virginia Gentile, MaryBeth Gettelfinger, Adele Hoffman, and Adrienne Laitman.

Two retiring staff members, Bob King and Barry Richelsoph, were recognized by Assistant Superintendent John Kehoe and Superintendent David Quattrone, respectively. The event, attended by the full faculty, was hosted by the PTA and its hospitality committees.