At the Bronxville Board of Education August meeting Superintendent David Quattrone reviewed student results from last year's New York State assessment program (language arts and mathematics in grades 3-8), Advanced Placement scores, and college destinations for the Class of 2012. "These results," he said, "show continued high levels, favorable comparisons, and stable patterns." He pointed out that the accountability aspect of public schools emphasizes standardized tests, which are lagging indicators -- occurring at the end of the learning experience, as opposed to leading indicators -- formative assessments that help students and teachers know what to do next. One promising example of balanced, comprehensive approach comes from the District's critical and creative thinking initiative, which calls for the design and development of performance tasks that address higher order skills like analysis and synthesis. Another is the NWEA MAP program, a computer adaptive assessment that is being piloted this year at certain grades. That test monitors student growth over time and links results to recommended steps in instruction.
The District is also moving in the direction of more international comparisons. The Achievement Profile includes global AP comparisons for the first time, and later this fall, the School will receive PISA for Schools results from last year's participation in that international program. Quattrone reported that students in the Global Perspectives seminar did well on the extremely demanding Cambridge Pre-University examination. The 2012 Achievement Profile can be found here.