Friday, October 19, 2012

Board Endorses District Goals for 2012-13

Building on four strategic questions that frame the goal-setting process, the Bronxville Board of Education adopted District goals in the areas of learning and teaching, the learning environment, facilities, and finances.

The strategic questions are:

  • How can we ensure that Bronxville provides the best possible curriculum and instruction, leading to the success of every student?
  • How can the Bronxville School best help the community in the effort to promote healthy, safe, responsible behavior among its young people?
  • How can school facilities best support the current and future learning needs of our students?
  • What comprises a fiscally responsible, sustainable model of educational excellence for the Bronxville School? 

In September several Board members suggested language changes, more emphasis on community-wide efforts regarding social development goals, and eliminating specific reference to the tax cap. The recommendations were incorporated into the revised goals and were approved as follows:

  1. Promote student critical and creative thinking through discipline-based assured experiences at every grade level, including the design and implementation of assessments, the collaborative examination of student work, and sharing of effective practices.
  2. Carry out the district program for reviewing annual professional performance, including state and local assessments, student learning objectives, the review of student learning results, and the evaluation of teacher and principal effectiveness. Review and revise the plan as necessary for 2013-14. 
  3. Strengthen school and community programs that support student initiative, responsibility, and mutual respect.
  4. Contingent upon a successful bond referendum, begin approved renovations to Middle School science labs, the auditorium, and infrastructure improvements. 
  5. Develop a 2013-14 school budget that is educationally sound and fiscally prudent.
  6. Negotiate successor contracts with the Bronxville Teachers Association and administrators that ensure a high quality professional staff and reflect responsible stewardship of community resources.
The document can be found here.