A visiting team representing the Tri-State Consortium of high-performing school districts completed its three-day review of Bronxville's critical and creative thinking initiative. The essential question framing the visit was T
o what extent has the
district realized its critical thinking goal through curriculum,
instruction,assessment, and professional learning? The review process included an analysis of curriculum documents and samples of student work; classroom visits; interviews with students, teachers, and Foundation representatives; and direct observation of grade-level and department teams in action.
Visiting Team Provides Feedback to K-12 Faculty |
On Friday morning, at the conclusion of the visit, the visiting team held a feedback session with the entire K-12 staff present. The feedback session began with a series of clarifying and probing questions directed at school staff, followed by conversation among the team members regarding the strengths of the initiative and challenges to be addressed in the future. Several key themes emerged from the conversation:
- The professional climate supports teachers trying new things.
- There is widespread faculty support for the critical thinking goal, not just isolated pockets of interest.
- Greater clarity about student outcomes and collection of data would move the initiative forward.
- The visiting team saw multiple examples of student critical thinking at all levels of the school system, and students report enthusiasm about opportunities to pursue interests in greater depth.
- Future challenges include how best to strengthen the connection and coordination across schools; simplifying the rubrics and protocols; and providing support for curriculum leaders.
A video excerpt of the feedback session can be found
here. A written report will follow the visit, and findings will help guide professional development planning for the coming year. The visiting team of seventeen was chaired by Mary Beth Wilson, Assistant Superintendent from New Canaan (CT), and Rob Chlebicki, Assistant Superintendent from North Shore (NY). Other members included Superintendents from Ardsley, Chappaqua, Dobbs Ferry, and Mt. Pleasant; Assistant Superintendents from Bedford and Easton-Redding; Principals from Mt. Pleasant and Ridgefield (CT): and faculty members from North Salem, New Canaan, Harrison, Scarsdale, and Ardsley. Marty Brooks and Kathleen Reilly were the liaisons from the Tri-State Consortium.