At the March Board of Education meeting Superintendent David Quattrone shared highlights of an independent assessment of Bronxville's science programs. The report evaluates the degree to which the School meets the eight standards of the Tri-State Consortium. The Tri-State Consortium is a learning organization devoted to assisting its member public school districts in New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey in using student performance data to develop a rigorous framework for systemic planning, assessment, accreditation, and continuous improvement.
The visiting team consisted of fifteen educators from the Consortium's members. They spent three days in December visiting classrooms and interviewing students, staff, and parents. The Report focused on scientific reasoning, critical thinking, technology skills, application of knowledge, and meeting the needs of all learners. One section of the Report affirmed the value of the core program offered at grades 9 and 10: "One of the many impressive aspects of the Bronxville science program is 'the core.' The students gain much by being exposed to the four sciences over a two-year period, and the foundation laid for more rigorous science courses is solid. The teachers take great pride in the core program, understandably so, and the students feel well prepared by it." (p.11)
The Report goes on to commend the quality of instruction: "The visit team recognizes that members of the science department are focused on providing rich, thinking-based learning experiences within their classrooms. Across the district there is a clear, strong focus on the value and unique talents of each individual teacher. The science teachers are applauded for their depth of content knowledge." (p. 6)
The visiting team also recommended that science teachers continue K-12 communication and collaboration in pursuit of a more systematic approach to science curriculum development and assessment. As a next step the science faculty will use meeting time and the spring conference day to develop a follow-up plan, including periodic reports to the Board of Education. The full Report can be found here.