This school year began with an unfamiliar schedule, with two school days sandwiched in between Labor Day and Rosh Hashanah. In order to get down to business promptly, we opted not to hold a full teacher conference day for classroom preparation and various meetings. That would have led to a one-day school week. Instead we began with two delayed openings, with the students arriving at 10 AM. Despite the different format, school opened smoothly, with full attendance:
- New teachers completed a comprehensive two-day orientation program the week before school opened.
- The facility was ready, with a number of internal improvements, such as window replacement and painting.
- A + A Maintenance, our new custodial services company, responded well to the rush of demands that come with the new school year. We are working cooperatively to set expectations for quality of service.
- Our technology was fully operational.
- Our new food service provider, Chartwell, made a rapid and effective transition to operating our cafeteria.