Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Superintendent Reports High Levels of Student Achievement

At the August meeting of the Board of Education, Superintendent David Quattrone presented an annual profile of student learning results on NY State Assessments, Advanced Placement Examinations, and college matriculation. He reported that levels of achievement for the 2009-10 school year remain high, with stable patterns and trends.

A new wrinkle this year stems from the higher cut-off scores set by the Commissioner of Education. The higher standards for determining proficiency reflect the state's expressed commitment to ensure that all high school graduates are college ready. The new standards will lead to higher numbers for whom intervention and academic support is required, beginning in 2011. Quattrone reported that the district already extends those services using local criteria and will continue to do so. Last year during the budget process, the Board affirmed the importance of a strong skills program, and the District remains in a good position to deliver these services to a wider group of students.

Quattrone also announced a plan to hold a series of "curriculum conversations" with the Board throughout the year, focusing on "the next level of learning" -
the development of higher order thinking skills.