Over the past few months Board President Jim Hudson has led an effort to establish new District goals, giving Board members an opportunity to discuss issues in greater depth and with a long range view of the future. Part of this process was a special workshop on October 28th, focusing on curriculum and instruction and the quality of the learning environment. The discussion centered on two strategic questions:
- How can we ensure that Bronxville provides the best possible curriculum and instruction, leading to the success of every student?
- How can the Bronxville School best help the community in its effort to promote healthy, safe, responsible behavior among its young people?
As in the past, the Board will set goals related to teaching and learning (such as the current global initiative); but increasing the emphasis on teenage behavior and related social issues represents a new priority for the Board, and the challenge has been to define the role of the School in an appropriate way that reflects the legal and practical limits of what the School can do to prevent or respond to incidents of alcohol or drug abuse that occur outside of school.
At its November meeting the Bronxville Board of Education turned to additional questions related to facilities and finances:
- How can school facilities best support the current and future learning needs of our students?
- What comprises a fiscally responsible, sustainable model of educational excellence for the Bronxville School?
Other articles in this newsletter describe the presentations heard by the Board. Superintendent David Quattrone suggested
several possible goals for the Board to consider in December, and Dr. Hudson commented that it might take several years to attain them.