As the Bronxville Board of Education considers what financial targets to set, Assistant Superintendent Dan Carlin launched the budget process by reviewing past patterns and identifying future needs.
He began by describing the history of how school budget increases have outpaced inflation. He then pointed out how the district has stabilized the budget and tax rates over the last two years. On the horizon, however, Bronxville faces several difficult challenges. Collective bargaining is still underway with four employee groups; new contracts may produce additional expenditures. Similarly, employer contributions to state retirement funds and rising health benefit costs will also lead to higher costs. Expected reductions in state aid and the end of federal stimulus grants will further complicate the picture. Carlin ended by laying out several budget scenarios, swinging between increases of 2.5% and 8%. These scenarios do not reflect the budget deliberations, reductions, and adjustments that will surely come in the months ahead. The budget process will involve a careful review of how best to minimize taxpayer expense.
No actual budget has yet been proposed. As in the past, a rollover budget will be discussed at a February workshop, open to the public. the full presentation can be found here.