The process for selecting an Elementary School Principal began on February 2 with an announcement emailed to all District parents. Superintendent David Quattrone invited parents to attend an open meeting, and the meeting was held on February 14, with about twenty parents attending. The focus group for faculty and staff was held on February 13. These sessions were designed to elicit feedback about the School's strengths, opportunities for improvement, and the qualities and personal characteristics sought in a new Elementary School leader. A summary of the results can be found here, and they will also be reported to the ES Council.
In addition, parents and faculty are invited to register their views through an anonymous survey. [The survey period ended on February 28th.] Parents and teachers who have difficulty finding and completing the survey may also email the Superintendent directly.
The position has been advertised in the New York Times, and regional professional networks have been activated, including the Tri-State Consortium and various university programs. After the initial review of applicants, a screening committee will be assembled, including faculty, Board of Education, and administration representatives as well as the President and Vice President of the Elementary School Council. The committee will interview finalists and provide input to the Superintendent who will make a recommendation to the Board of Education. An appointment in April is expected.